Dear Fellow Rotarians,

Time flies as we just held our 33rd club meeting last Thursday at another new venue, Reflections Room at Sands Macao Hotel. Meeting was well attended with 18 members and Hon Member Anabela plus Sonia ( better half of PP Fred), Frank &  Jimmy ( family members of Liz) and speaker Leonel and his team Maria Paula.

Of course, everyone was excited to welcome Mario and Miguel back and hope that we will see them a bit more often in our fellowship gatherings. The venue was fantastic with an outside open pool and lounge which got our dear members drank up a few more glasses of red wine and chit chat.  Apology to PP Ip that we did not stock up enough white wine this time.

Leonel, visiting film director from Portugal , gave us an overview of the rich movie industry market in Spain and Brazil and shared with us his coming movie project with shooting  in Macau for international release later this year.  Well, there was a few hands raised to show interests in appearing in Leonel’s new film especially if need stunt cast for the Macao Tower bungee jump!!!

Before we adjourned the meeting, President KC presented  a Paul Harris Fellow recognition of PH pin and certificate to Treasurer Ricardo for his generous contribution of USD1000.

Box collection was $980.

Announcements to note:-

This week ( Mar 6 ) meeting returned back to Venetian . IPDG Kenneth talk on ‘ Organ Donation’ postponed to Mar 13 meeting.

Joint Area 1 Project – Blood Donation Day on Mar 16 ( Sun ) from 10.30 pm – 4.00 pm at Taipa ‘ Flower City ‘ Garden with singers, entertainment and of course, we need blood donors especially from foreign friends. So please help spread the word around to your circle of friends.

Our Annual Charity Ball on Apr 26 ( Sat ) with theme ‘ Brazil Brazil’. More details will send you shortly and we need your usual great support on ball tickets as we need to raise more funds this year to finance a few new meaningful service projects like Music Therapy for Autistic Kids.