Dear Fellow Rotarians,



We celebrated Halloween on our last club meeting of  Oct  with a social night at Venetian Golden Peacock Indian restaurant. Great attendance of 27 ( including 22 Rotarians/Rotarian-ann )! Elvo and Synthia brought their kids which helped made the party more Halloween-ee!  The Chef was so kind to enrich our self-made decoration with different sizes of  pumpkin flown in from Australia especially for the evening.  Furthermore, the dessert plate was a delicious assortment of Halloween signature characters including the famous mask from SCREAM movie.

We have a visiting Rotarian Catherine Chambert from RC Lyon, France. She was in Macau attending the international lawyers’ forum , being the founder of a law firm in Lyon.  P KC presented her with our club flag and yearbook and Catherine promised to mail back theirs when she returns to France .

The evening wouldn’t be perfect without celebrating for  our November birthday Rotarians – Rtn Sam Lei (Nov 4), PP Ritchie ( Nov 6), Rtn Elvo ( Nov 12 ) and PP Fred ( Nov 14).  PP Synthia got them such a cute Halloween birthday cake decorated with cute  red bats and black devils. Those who weren’t able to join us , you have missed a lot of fun but you can still check this out in attached photos or visit our website/photo gallery.

Happy donation: a BIG vote of thanks and appreciation to Rtn Janet as she has so generously settled the dinner bills so the evening’s dinner fee collected went into happy donation.


Date         Program                                                      Venue

Nov 7       Regular Meeting                                           Venetian

Nov 14     Regular Meeting                                           Conrad Hotel

Nov 21     Guest Speaker from District Foundation officer Venetian

                 on Rotary Foundation ( Note Nov is Foundation month)

Nov 28     Guest Speaker Pastor Thomas 
                   from Concordia School                             Venetian

Thank you again for your kind reading

2015 HalloweenWGM 3

2015 HalloweenWGM 3

2015 HalloweenWGM 4

2015 HalloweenWGM 4

