I remember well in my years 1991 ~ and 92 our two main projects.

First the starting point for environmental protection for our city, with city cleaning, together with other clubs in Macau, with the support of the Municipal Council ( Leal Senado ) and the Macau Government. This was a breakthrough at the time, as it was the start of Macau’s program for “Preserve our Planet Earth” for the theme for the year from  Rotary International.

Our contribution was to gain experience from Singapore and obtain the regulations from the rules as used in Singapore, one of the cleanest cities in the world. We obtained whole documentation on how to start the project, which was later presented to the Macau Governor. The Rotary Clubs, together with representatives from the Macau Kai Fongs (neighbourhood committees) visited Singapore and we received support from the Rotary Clubs in Singapore to help. It was a great success and it was the starting point in getting the public more aware of the importance of cleaning the city. We started the campaign amongst the public to keep the city clean and set up an exhibition at the Leal Senado Square. Of course, it was not solely our club,
we worked with the other clubs and the District. It is important as it was the starting point of the project. We received a District nomination for an award for our contribution to Macau’s city cleaning.

Secondly, we had the inauguration of the Rotaract Club of Macau in my year. Their first President was Jeff Suen. From this club, we have had many fine Rotarians including Florence Hui, Sam Lei, Teren Cheong and Yasmin Chan.

In my year we had around 40 to 50 members, not too big. Our meeting was at the Hotel Lisboa. Our members were from Macau, Japan, the UK, Australia, the US, Indonesia, Germany and Portugal. Meetings were much as now, once a week in the evening.

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