Dear distinguished guests, fellow Rotarians, ladies and gentlemen, 

Good evening! Welcome to our 72nd Anniversary Charity Ball – Silver Screen! 

What is a good movie? To me, a good movie is one that brings me happiness and inspires me.

We say “Life is like a movie!” Then what is a good life? To me, a good life is one that brings other people happiness and inspire others. That is the life of Rotarians!  

Being the first international service organization, Rotary has 1.2 million members around the globe contributing their time, effort and resources to bring happiness to those less fortunate. Over the past 114 years, our motto “Service Above Self” has inspired many others to follow suit in making the world a better place.

Being the first Rotary club in Macau, our members have been bringing happiness to underprivileged students, children with special needs, home-alone elderly and many others through our service projects over the past 72 years. At the same time, we are inspiring our next generation to serve the community as we groom our Rotaractors and Interactors to be the future leaders of the society.  

However, we can only do all these with your support. Tonight, every dollar we raise will go into our club’s service projects next year. So please reach deep into your pocket and be generous when you buy wine and raffle tickets, and help us continue to bring happiness and inspiration to others.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors! Just like a movie cannot be produced without funding, our service projects cannot be carried out without your generous support. Thank you Ball Chair, President Elect Ip Pui Fai and your almighty organizing committee. You are the director and crew who have made this evening into a blockbuster. Finally, thank you everyone for being here tonight. A movie can only be a true success when the audience like it. Enjoy the Silver Screen!  

Elvo Sou
President RC Macau 2018/9

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