Dear Fellow Rotarians
VP Stella chaired this week’s meeting as President K C is in Beijing joining the China Liaison Office-organized  NGO delegation visit to Beijing.  We moved to Conrad Hotel and were pleasantly served with good food, service and ambience.
Attendance: 13 Rotarians ( Stella, Choi, Kevin, Ip, Gary, Florence, Synthia, Fatima, Ricardo, ET, Ritchie, Natasha, Liz)
1   Hon Member     ( Anabela Ritchie)
1   Guest Speaker  ( Aris )

A moment of silence was observed to pray for Philippines’ Haiyan typhoon victims.  Thanks to our kind-hearted generous members, including those present and those who asked attending Rotarians to donate on their behalf ( like KC, Keith, and

Yasmin), the box collection as a relief donation to this cause reached  $6800!  PP Fred called to check on progress and through PP Ip donated $3200 to make up $10,000 !!! Subject to District further news, this money will be channelled through the District Haiyan Relief Fund to the Philippines which will be disbursed through ShelterBox for tents and District 3850/3860 for food/water/medicine. Any Rotarians who wish to donate to this relief fund, please inform me directly.


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Aris, our great executive secretary was our speaker. In her capacity as Services Development Executive of Good Shepard Center ( Serving Women in Crisis) and Rotary Peace Ambassador, Aris gave us a very thought-provoking and stimulating talk on ‘ Non-violent Communication’.   ‘ THINK COMPASSION, SPEAK PEACE’  is an interesting food for thought that most of us could learn and adopt so we make our home
and society a more peaceful place to live in.
Aris, thank you so much for inspiring us!

Nov is Rotary Foundation Giving month, so next week Nov 21, we have invited PP Kenneth Chow from HK as a speaker on “ROTARY GIVING” and update us on our club’s foundation contribution status. Even before PP Kenneth’s visit, PP Ip showed an excellent example by donating US$100 on the spot to support the ‘ EREY- Every 
Rotarians Every Year’ campaign.

Remember to mark your diary for the Nov 21 Thurs meeting at CONRAD HOTEL, Level 4 Loulan 4001AB and join us to support Foundation Month.
One more reason that you should come is we will have a new member induction ceremony for Shaun Andres on the same evening.  Show your rotary fellow spirit!

Ip Pui