Dear Fellow Rotarians

What a record turnout on Thursday with 26 members + visiting Rotarian+ guests!  Thank you all for making time to come.  Of course, we have to convey a BIG note of thanks to PP Kenneth Chow for making a special trip from HK to share his broad experience of the Rotary Foundation and his joy of giving since 1989!  You were the draw for this encouraging attendance.

Kchow talk KC

Kchow talk KC

1. Attendance

Rotarians – 20 ( KC, Kevin, Liz, Stella, Ricardo, Guy, Ip, Florence, Fatima, Fred, Kazu, Choi, Alfredo, Maneiras, Peter, Natasha, ET, Synthia, Janet)

Visiting Rotarian –  2 ( Kenneth Chow, RC Taipo also our guest speaker; Jesse Sargent, RC Auburn, Maine, USA)

Guests  – 4  ( Takahashi, guest of Kazu, Vicky, lovely wife of Guy, Emma Gueldner and Shaun Andres, guest of Janet. After meeting, Shaun turned Rotarian with induction conducted)

2. Highlights

a. TRF Talk by PP Kenneth Chow

He gave us a very captivating video-enriched talk on The Rotary Foundation. He refreshed us on  the ABC of TRF and case studies of   important service projects like Polio, sustaining clean water, Mongolia cervical disease prevention

He shared his history of foundation contribution and his joy of giving, emphasizing Rotary’s pledge for ‘ Every Rotarian, Every Year -EREY” and any contribution to the Annual Fund will come back to the district and the respective donating club after 3 years.

Thanks to PP Kenneth’s inspiring  call, our President  KC  and Hon Treasurer Ricardo immediately  contributed  each USD1000 to the Annual Fund, adding more Paul Harris Fellows to our club

PP Kenneth has left many interesting reading materials and videos with me for circulation. If any member is interested, please contact me.

b. New Member Induction for Ms Shaun Cathleen Andres 

After welcoming Natasha as our new member in Oct and thanks to Rtn Janet’s proposal,  another new member Shaun was inducted by President KC tonight.  How exciting! And  Shaun, our warmest welcome to joining our happy service-oriented  Rotary family.  We all look forward to working with you on many meaningful projects to ” Engage Rotarians  to Change Lives”

c.  ATTENTION: Mark your diary  for coming interesting programs and do come and support:-

Nov 28 ( Thurs) regular meeting@Venetian-  we have Speaker Reverend Thomas Dunseth, President of Concordia Welfare & Education Society of Macau.

Dec 6   ( Fri      ) ‘Joy to the World Xmas Night’ @Venetian – with hundreds of children from Mentally Handicapped Association, Fuhong Society, Special Olympics, Parents Association for Mentally Handicapped Children ( Some of you have not signed up yet, so please inform me by phone/text/email ASAP as seats are filling up very fast!)

Dec 12 ( Thurs) @Venetian – AG Florence visit

Dec 19 ( Thurs) @Venetian – Speaker Niall Higgins, a young Rotary public speaking winner  from South Africa

Thank you and be seeing most of you this coming Thursday NOTE our club meeting place has moved back to VENETIAN!