Dear Fellow Rotarians
Yesterday Nov 7 was a fruitful day for our club as we enter into Nov,  the month of Rotary Foundation – Give and Contribute to Rotary humanitarian causes.
1. Visit to Henry Fok Foundation   
President KC and some board members paid a visit to Henry Fok Foundation, meeting  its Director General Mr Si Hou to introduce our club goals and activities. We also had a good opportunity to understand Fok’s  Foundation operation. Its Foundation  fund has 50% contributed solely within Macau for qualified charitable applications under 4 avenues:-  education, medical, culture and sports.  Our Board will review its funding application guidelines and evaluate if  any appropriate service projects to apply in order to expand our source of funding.

2. Regular Club Meeting @ Venetian

Attendance : 16 members ( big welcome to ET after his extended holiday in Portugal and ChiangMei. KC, Kevin, Stella, Liz, Ip, Florence, Peter, Maneiras, Andy, Janet, Ricardo, Choi, Teren, Fatima and Synthia)

Highlights: – ET shared his wonderful time  at Madeira, Azores with wine festival, flower shows ; at ChiangMai joining all the  interesting rotary club meetings there. He will connect us to RC ChiangMai North who has a lady President who will visit Macao in near future.  ET also updated about his World Peace road map which he did share with relevant RI officers during the Lisbon Convention.

– Teren gave an delightful trip account of the Taipei Sister Club Charter Anniversary and Kaoshiung visit.  He also commended on the excellent and efficient standard of Taiwan’s medical facility as his wife was taken ill half-way during the trip and was well taken care of, all for a very best value fee.

–  P KC introduced an interesting dinner talk on Nov 23 ( Sat ) organized by RC Kowloon East. Speaker is Dr Josephine Wong, sister of late PDG Dr Raymond Wong on topic 活力再現新處方”, touching on many latest medical technologies that keep us young and healthy. Venue is in Hong Kong ( for details, please visit RC Kln East website) and those interested, please inform KC by Nov 11 ( Mon)

P KC and Foundation Chair Teren presented Rtn Janet with her first Paul Harris Fellow pin and recognition for her Annual Fund contribution. Congratulations to Janet and look forward to your continued giving. We took a memorable picture of our club’s first Paul Harris Fellow ET ( back in 1973) and latest PHF Janet, 40 years junior ( in terms of Paul Harris service years !).

-Announcements:- Oct attendance improved to 44% with 8 Rotarians with 100% attendance ( including make-ups) 

Nov 14 regular meeting detail:
-> Venue changed to Conrad Hotel ( exact function room to be advised later) @8pm for 8.30 pm
->  Our Exec Secretary and 2012 Peace Ambassador ARIS will speak to us on ‘ Non-violent Communication’ , a very topical subject to promote peace at home and in society at large. So please do  come  support Aris and gain learnings on this life-changing skills !

–  Rtn Janet proposed new member application for Ms Shaun Andres has passed Board and club approval.  Congratulations ! We plan to have Shaun’s induction ceremony on Nov 21 after receiving her admission fee payment.  Details will confirm in due course and hope fellow Rotarians will come support and welcome Shaun.
– Happy Donation : $620.