Dear fellow Rotarians

This week’s regular meeting had a great turnout of regular faces and not-so-regular ones and a big welcome home for PP David and his lovely wife Helen who returned to Macao for a short break. We had a most touching fellowship meeting, blessed with ex-Rotarian Beatrice Young as a speaker on the subject of Parkinson’s disease. Then followed by the induction ceremony of new member Natasha Tome who will be our 42nd member. Congratulations Natasha and a BIG welcome to our Rotary family!

1. Attendance – 24

– Members:  20 ( KC, Liz, Kevin, Stella, Florence, Ip, Fatima, Kazu, Alfredo, Peter, Quy, Andy, David SS, Choi, Ricardo, Keith, Sam  Lei, Synthia, Janet and Natasha

– Honorary Member: 1 ( Anabela Ritchie )

– Guests      :    3 ( Beatrice,  Helen and Shaun – guest of Janet)

2. Highlights

– Former Rotarian Beatrice, who was on our club board in PP Alfredo year 2001-02 and PP Ip year 2002-03, unfortunately suffered Parkinson early 2002. She shared with us a moving and inspiring talk on her Parkinson’s journey and her determination to fight through this with selfless support from her family, friends and God. She underwent two major neurosurgeries in 14 months and she believes that “Humans have limits but God is limitless.  A positive mind breeds positive results “.  We are so glad that she has resumed her original work at the Health Dept and actively looking for channels to promote the correct perception of Parkinson’s patients and ways to help them adjust to a more normal life.  Our club will keep this open for our future community projects.  May we wish Beatrice good health and happiness forever!

– New member Natasha Tome, executive director of Marketing, Sands China was inducted by President KC, and witnessed by AG Florence.  Proposer Sam Lei gave a very informative introduction of Natasha who was then brought around the room to be introduced to each member present. Everyone was so busy hugging and exchanging with Natasha that we missed inviting her to deliver a brief inaugural speech.  No worry, Natasha, please prepare for next Thurs regular meeting.

Lots of pictures were taken with the happy and proud faces of Natasha and everyone. I cannot include all in this mail but do check out our website photo gallery at

– PP David conveyed greetings from the rotary clubs he visited in Brunei and updated on his work at Shell Petroleum. He proudly told us two aircraft had been delivered since he started.  He also did a bit of a tourist ambassador role for Brunei and may match-make a sister club for us!  KC took the opportunity to present to David and Keith his appreciation souvenir for their good contribution in the last rotary year.

After a very high-spirited fellowship exchange and before the President declared the meeting closed, we sang the happy birthday song to Oct birthday Rotarians — KC, Yasmin, ET, Mario and Liz.

– Happy donation: $1460

3. Announcement

– To support our sister club RC Taipei 65th Charter Anniversary Celebration on Oct 12, KC will lead a delegation of 13  Rotarians and spouses to Taiwan Oct 11-14.

– Speaker Preview:  thanks to Honorary Anabela’s connection,  we will invite  Rector Wei Zhao of the University of Macau to speak to us on his University’s latest academic development in the wake of the big campus move to Hengqi.  We are working on the details and his schedule. So watch out for further news on the date to mark your calendar.

– Some saddening news: Uncle James Yick whom most of us know well and PDG George Chao passed away peacefully on Sep 20. May they rest in peace.