Nov/30 – 17th meeting a Social night at Tromba Rija at Macau Tower.
21 joined the meeting. They are: myself, PP’s Maneiras, Stella, Choi, Ip, Florence, Teren, PE Elvo, Rtn’s Yasmin, Ricardo, Li Ying, Margaret, Pedro, Andy with his father ( uncle Fai), Yuko and Andrew, Marc and Peggy, Rotaractor Elvis and Isabel (Ip’s Guest) attended our social gathering. PP Synthia and RTN Aris left before dinner began because Josina was not feeling well. We were divided into 3 tables and all enjoyed the fellowship.

It was truly a fun, food and drink fellowship night. Thanks to PP Ip and Rtn Pedro for the cognac, Porto and Madeira. Red and white Argentina wines. After the dinner, everyone was enjoying so much decided to move outside to enjoy the fellowship at the light. We have to leave at 23:00 because the restaurant has to close. Mark your dates :

  • Dec/7 – regular meeting at Tromba Rija G/F at Macau Tower
  • Dec/14 – regular meeting at Lua Azul 3/F at Macau Tower
  • Dec/17 – 18th Joy to the World – 2:30-6:00 pm – Christmas Party at Dong Guan Room at Conrad Macao, Sand’s Cotai Central
  • Dec/21 – regular meeting cancelled
  • Dec/23-26 – Trip to Guanxi with the Rotaractors
  • Dec/28 – regular meeting at Tromba Rija – G/F at Macau Tower

From District:

  • – RYLA
  • – Rookies stars
  • – Rotary HK Ultramarathon March-4-2018
  • – District Conference 2-3 June 2018 at Regal Airport Hotel

Fatima President
RC Macau