January is Rotary Vocational Month. And our January birthday Rotarians are Pedro, Pauline and Kowie so please join me wishing them a very happy and loving birthday celebration.

Our 25th club meeting last evening invited District Preserved Planet Earth Chair PP George Li as speaker on ‘ Climate Change and Update of 2015 Paris Climate Conference ‘. He also discussed Macao’s Environmental Protection Plans for 2010-2020 and how to become a Greener Rotary. Our dinner menu was naturally an organic and sustainable one.


Being a hot topic, we had good attendance of 25 including 15 Rotarians , Visiting Rtns ( DAG Crystal, P Alicia of Macau Central and PP Rocky of Guia), our regular guest Rev Thomas and 4 Rotaractors led by RAC President Cathy.

As you may know , our Rotaract Club’s signature service project this year focus on ‘ End Polio’ with a series of activities to raise community awareness and funds to donate to ‘ Help End Polio’. They are running a charity sale of items like umbrella, folders, wallets, tote bags etc made from paintings done by children. Attached please find a promotion flyer and all these beautiful items can be ordered online via
this link

They also brought some items to our meeting which were very popular. Our PP Fred displayed his usual generosity to buy the whole lot for every one present to share. He helped to raise over $3000. So thank you PP Fred, you have made Rotary ‘ This close to end Polio’.

Box Collection: $800

Please remember to join us next Thurs ( Jab 21) for our 2nd Club Assembly after regular club meeting. Do make your time to come and hear my report of 1st Half Year club achievements and 2nd Half Year plans. If you really cannot attend, please remember to appoint your proxy and make sure your proxy will be present at the club assembly.

Club Announcement

  • Jan 21 ( Thurs) – Regular meeting + 2nd Club Assembly
  • Jan 28 ( Thurs )- Regular meeting with visiting PDG Barney Koo from Sydney with his new book introduction
  • Feb 18 ( Thurs ) – CNY Spring Dinner at Plaza Restaurant

District Announcement

  • a. Jan 30 ( Sat ) – District Fellowship Portugal Night at Portugal Consul General Residence. Thanks to all support, it’s full house already.
  • b. Youth Microfilm Award Contest- Deadline for submission Jan 29 with Gala Award Dinner on Mar 17 at HK Renaissance Harbourview Hotel. Our Adopt-a-School Sao Paulo will participate with a submission.
  • c. THE ONE humanitarian service award- now open for nomination for THE ONE International and THE ONE HK . Deadline is end Jan with THE ONE Gala Dinner on Jun 7 at Holiday Inn Golden Mile HK.
  • d. Rotary Centenary Challenge Cup – Feb 17 Wed Night Race at Happy Valley @ HK$780 per head
  • e. Rotary Ultramarathon – Mar 6 . Open to clubs sponsoring relay team with service partners.

Thank you for your usual patient reading and look forward to seeing most of you next Thurs ( Jan 21) for 2nd Club Assembly after regular club meeting at the Venetian .

Yours In Rotary
Elizabete Fong
President 2015-16
Rotary Club of Macau

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