Friday 29/9, at Tromba Rija-Macau Tower Rotarians, Rotaractors from RAC Macau and UMSU and families and friends celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival. Have lots of moon cake and our Happy Garden yam.

A group of 8 myself, PP Stella and PP Choi, PP Ip and Grace, IPP Sam and Amy and PE Elvo depart on 5/10 to Taipei-Taiwan to participate in our friendship club RC Taipei Diamond 9th Annual Charter Dinner on 7/10 in Taipei Garden Hotel. Another member, Pauline Lai only registered with IPP Sam to join the installation Dinner, she went with her husband and a friend on their own trip.

Wonderful trip, super hospitality from our friendship club especially from IPP Queeny Huang.Yes . This trip to Taipei to join the friendship club Taipei Diamond Charter dinner is a memorable one. A wonderful trip with wonderful friends and families of Rotary.
I want to thank everyone in team of 8 , I enjoy every part of this trip since beginning in Macau airport when realize Grace’s Portuguese passport has no 6 months of validity and could not fly with us.After we have a really teamwork group, Grace went back home to get a Macau passport, Sam helps to apply an online visa and Elvo printed the visa, this made it possible for Grace to join this trip with Macau passport. This is a teamwork and a good fellowship among us.
Since we arrived in Taipei Queeny and Benny took very good care of us until the last moment having lunch with us. They will be back on November and we have to see how we reciprocate. Thank you all.


12/10 – 4 students and 2 teachers
from St. Paul School share with us their first-time experience in UK , their homestay in UK Rotarians and how they enjoy every moment. They considered a once in lifetime experience and all thank RC Macau for this opportunity.

14/10 – Myself and IPP Sam flew back to Taipei to join our Sister Club RC Taipei Installation. And we were stuck in Taipei because in Macau were hosted typhoon no.8 and because of that all flights to Macau were cancelled. We only be able to be back on Monday night.

Mark your agenda :

18/10 – Our meeting tomorrow is on Lua Azul- Macau Tower 3rd floor because no room for us in Venetian
4/11 – Grannies tour .
25/11 – Grannies tour

Those Rotarians want to be volunteers in this project please register with PP Kevin the service project Chair .

Club Dues 2017/18
For those who haven’t paid your club dues yet, please remember to bring your cheque for the amount in order of Rotary Club of Macau or bank in our account and send your bank in slip to PP Synthia.

Hope you enjoy the news and the photos.
It is all for today

President Fatima