Welcome to the 13th weekly update!
As you all know, we cancelled our Regular Meeting last week, as it coincided with the National Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.
Our last activity was precisely the Celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival which took place on September 24 at the Roosevelt Hotel Chinese Restaurant.
A total of 60 Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, family and friends enjoyed a night of excellent fellowship.

The Rotaract Club of Macau organized a riddle game which was one of the highlights of the evening. The questions were difficult, but with teamwork, many were able to crack the answers.
The lucky draw winner was IPP Ip. The prize, 50 per cent of the riddle game revenue, was donated to the Club’s Box Collection.
We would like to say thanks to IPP Ip for his generosity.

This Thursday, we are going to have with us the Rotary Club of Pokhara Fishtail via Zoom. They will tell us about the school reconstruction project for which we have donated.
According to PE Matthew, the school is just weeks away from being completed.
Please join us to know more about this project and our partners in Nepal.
Finally, the backpacks for the participants of the Membership Seminar have arrived.
Those who took part in the seminar may pick up your backpack and also a copy of the District Pocket Planner during Thursday’s regular meeting.
As you all know, our Club was unable to hold the Charity Annual Ball in the first half of the year.
Therefore, we are asking our members to make a one-off donation of MOP 3000 to finance the Club’s projects.
This one-off donation, as well as the Club Dues, can be transferred directly to the Club’s BNU bank account.
Alternatively, you may also do it via bank cheque or cash by coming to our Regular Meeting.
We are also planning to have the Club Assembly at the beginning of November. In order to ensure your full participation, please pay your Club Dues within the next few days. If you have done so already, please disregard this reminder.
Your commitment will enable the Club to replenish its coffers and go ahead with some of the projects which are at the core of the Rotary Club of Macau activity throughout its 73-year-long history.
Yours in Rotary
President João