Today Oct 24 is World Polio Day and ‘ we are this close ‘ to eradicating this human disease in the world with only Afghanistan and Pakistan still needing vaccinations. Hence, our club will re-run a World Greatest Meal to Help End Polio next Thursday ( Oct 29 ) Halloween Social Night at Macao Tower 180 Lounge from 7.30 pm to 8 pm. Please come and bring your friends and families to celebrate Halloween whilst donating to help End Polio by supporting a Western set dinner fee of $300 per person. After deducting the dinner cost which is partly sponsored by Macao Tower, all dinner fees collected ( further matched 1:1 dollars by myself) will be donated to Rotary PolioPlus Fund.

To facilitate seating arrangements, appreciate your prompt sign-up with PP Stella.

Oct 22 Thurs Regular Meeting Highlights

Attendance: 20 ( 10 members, guests –RC Guia P Kent and IPP Crystal, visiting Rtn Khongor Bayar, RC Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue, PP Peter’s wife Assunta, PP Ip’s guest Rev. Thomas, P Liz’s guest Karen Cheung and Marianne Yeo of Toastmasters Club )

We have a ‘ star’ guest speaker District-Governor Elect Eric who shared with us his impressive journey of Tai Chi Chuan since 2003. His demonstration of Tai Chi was awesome and got all of us on our feet to follow him on a ‘crash’ lesson of Tai Chi. Everyone felt so good and surprisingly sweat-less after doing a few rounds that we might already have motivated a few Tai Chi followers. PP Peter, your lovely wife Assunta may be receiving several calls soon!

DGE Eric also presided over a Paul Harris Fellow recognition ceremony as our dear Aris received her first Paul Harris Fellow certificate and pin, thanks to her generous donation to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund and Polio Plus Fund.


P Liz was also pinned with a PHF +5.
Club Banner exchanges with RC Guia and RC Ulaanbaatar Peace Avenue.
Box Collection: $1000

Oct/Nov Club Announcements

  • Oct 2​9​v( Thurs) – World Greatest Meal Halloween Night at Macao Tower 180 Lounge. 7.30 pm for 8 pm. Dinner fee $300 per person.
  • Nov 5 ( Thurs) – Meeting Speaker: Dr Robert Kirby
  • Nov 12 (Thurs) rescheduled
  • Nov 14 ( Sat ) – DG Official Visit and Joint Clubs’ Welcome Dinner @ Venetian
  • Nov 22 ( Sun ) – Area 1 Blood Donation Day
  • Nov 28 ( Sat ) – Rotary Day with Home-alone Grannies
  • Dec 11 ( Sat ) – 16th ‘ Joy to the World’ Xmas Party @ Venetian

Thank you for your patient reading and see you next Thurs ( Oct 22 ) at Macao Tower 180 Lounge for Halloween Social Night to support World Greatest Meal to help End Polio.

Yours in Rotary

Elizabete Fong
President 2015-16