So much is going on at the beginning of the Rotary year. I’ve finally found some time to write my president’s updates, and I’m packing 2 weeks’ updates into this message. Hope you don’t mind and thank you for your understanding!
On July 12, we had our regular meeting, which we ran short for the board meeting that followed. We had a rather good turnout considering that it was summer time. We made a special toast to PP Liz for her MOP2,000 box donation. Why? Because PP Liz had signed up for the District Installation, but due to work reasons, she couldn’t attend it. Her ticket was absorbed by Rtn Marc’s better half, Peggy, yet PP Liz was kind enough to donate the dinner fee (actually, she topped up to MOP2,000) to the club. Thank you PP Liz!
On July 13, we saw off Ken and Cherrie, the two St Paul students going to the UK summer camp, at the Ferry Terminal. Father Alex was also there. He was as funny and energetic as usual, but we learned that he’d be retiring after this school year. He will still be around, and IPP Fatima will be inviting him to give a talk at our club or join our activities when his schedule is more stable.
On July 14, the District Installation was held in HK Convention and Exhibition Center. A table of our members and family went and supported IPP Fatima and me. Fatima was recognized as Outstanding Rotarian. Our new members Salie and Mathew were also recognized onstage along with other new Rotarians. We met our honorary member Japanese Consul Mr Matsuda, who extended an invitation for us to visit him. We will be making the relevant arrangement in due course. In addition, we also met PRIP Gary, and we told him that we would be attending the 70th Anniversary of the RC Taipei in December. For those who are interested in going over to Taiwan, stay tuned!
On July 15, our Interact Advisors PP Sam and Rtn Philip held the first training for our interactors, who were learning about Rotary and Interact. Our President Patrick of Rotaract Club of Macau and his members were there to share their experience as well. We look forward to seeing the growth of our Interact Club.
On July 19, we had our regular meeting in Conrad. It was very interesting that the President was surrounded by participants who were all past presidents. It was a cozy meeting with great fellowship with all the PPs.
You may refer to the attached PPTs which I presented at the club meetings:
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Meanwhile, please be reminded to pay your club dues. The total amount is MOP7,000 which includes all dues to Rotary International, District 3450, USD100 donation to the Rotary Foundation, Club’s operational expenses and dinner fees for 10 times. You may settle your payment by one of the following methods:
Method 1 – Cheque made payable to Rotary Club of Macau
Method 2 – online bank transfer/ deposit into our Club’s BNU account .. (please transaction record to either Secretary Joao or Executive Secretary Kula via WhatsApp or email)
Method 3 – Cash to Secretary Joao/Treasurer Ricardo/Executive Secretary Kula DURING Club meeting
July 26 – Regular meeting at Conrad with speaker Robin Vogelaar on Social Impact and Globetrotting (you may get a preview from his TED talk:
- Aug 2 – Regular meeting, to chaired by PE Ip as President is out of town
- Aug 9 – Regular meeting to chaired by VP David as President is out of town
- Aug 16 – Regular meeting with AG Visit
- Aug 23 – Regular meeting, followed by Club Assembly
- Aug 30 – Regular meeting rescheduled due to upcoming Joint Installation on Sept 1
- Sept 1 – Joint Installation cum Charter Ceremony of Interact Club of St. Paul School
- Sept 5 – Area 1 Joint meeting cum PI Seminar by PDG Eric Chin (venue and time to be confirmed)
- Sept 6 – Regular meeting rescheduled due to Area 1 Joint Meeting on Sept 5
- Sept 13 – Regular meeting
- Sept 20 – Regular meeting rescheduled due to DG Visit on Sept 22
- Sept 22 – DG Official Visit to Macau and Area 1 Joint Dinner
Elvo Sou
President 2018-19
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Globetrotting for the love of Food | Robin Vogelaar | TEDxAbidjan