RI Significant Achievement Award

GGG Significant AwardCert

Congratulations and well done to our Club for our ‘Light Up Rotary Great Gondola Grab’ Charity Raffle cum Rotary Lightshow winning 2014-15  Rotary International Significant Award for District 3450.  

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President 5th Weekly Update


We had a marvelous 1516 Joint Installation evening with our two Rotaract Clubs on Aug 1 ( Sat ) with around 135 attendance, including DG Peter, DGE Eric , 8 PDG’s, District Officers, Past and Present Presidents from HK and Macau, our Rotarians, Rotaractors and guests. President Dieter of our sister club RC Makati North […]

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President 4th Weekly Update

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Our 3rd Club Meeting on 5th Thursday of July was a social night at Lua Azul restaurant at Macao Tower. 14 members and 6 guests all got to enjoy the refreshing Chinese summer menu in real sumptuous portions. We welcome back Treasurer Ricardo after his month-long vacation and he surely was very high-spirited indeed and […]

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President’s 3rd Weekly Update

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Amidst the amazing summer, this week’s meeting was enlightened with 6 young visitors from St Paul’s school, including 4 alumni and 2 current students of our UK Summer Camp program. Interesting experience sharing was heard from Anderson, Wilson, Ricky and Cherry who joined the Camp between 2011-2014. This year’s Eric and Mary just left for […]

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President 2nd Weekly Update

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So glad that Typhoon Linfa has spared us in Macau! Hope our cancellation of the 2nd club meeting and postponement of the 1st Club Assembly last night did not inconvenience you though the decision was prudent due to unforeseen typhoon development. I look forward to seeing you all in our 2nd club meeting next Thurs […]

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1st Weekly Update ~ 15/16

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A big welcome to Rotary’s ‘ Be a Gift to the World’ year! I am so blessed and honoured to be your 69th President in a year filled with gifts and thank you. My first thank you goes to IPP Kevin and the 1415 Board who have laid such a good ‘ Light up Rotary […]

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51st Weekly Update

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Time Flies! It’s my last weekly update to you all as club president. My heartfelt Thank you to all members, board members and organizing committee members, for your support in this “Light Up Rotary” theme year. You lit up not only the candle but also the happiness of the communities. Without you, my presidency year […]

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48th Weekly Update

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On the 4th June, 2015, we changed our meeting venue to Poolside Reflection Sands Hotel, Macau. We had Rtn. Maeder visiting us from Shanghai though he expects to stay in Macau for longer period in future. Much thanks to Maeder for paying up his club dues for new Rotary year 2015-16 already. Also, PP Ritchie […]

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49th weekly update


On Jun 11, 2015, 60 Rotarians, Rotaractors, family members and friends celebrated our 68th anniversary at Fat Siu Lou Restaurant. We had visiting Rotarians AG Michael Chiu, President Keith from RC Admiralty and President Jacky RC Lai Kwai Fong. Also, our Alumni Saba Payman. He will be leaving to Taiwan soon for his new school […]

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47th Weekly Update

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On 23rd May 2015, we attended the 55th District Training Assembly with 7 Rotarians joined, AG Synthia, PE Elizabete, IPP KC, PP Stella, PP Fatima, Rtn. Perry and me. It was a fruitful day with new knowledge of Rotary from the District. Certainly, PE ELizabete will apply and engage all on the new goal of […]

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46th Weekly Update

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On 21st May 2015, we invited President Keith Chow from RC Admiralty, also the Marketing and Development Director of King Parrot Group HK. We also had Pastor Thomas and Pastor Roger as our guests. Keith introduced the F&B development trend in HK from the 80s till now, from different theme restaurants to different nationality cuisines, […]

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45th Weekly Update

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On 14th May 2015, Assistant Governor Synthia had her fourth and final visit to the Rotary Club of Macau in this Rotary Year. Thank you for her presentation to our members the latest information from the District:- On Area 1 ‘ Blood Donation’ joint project, will be held in the next Rotary Year but will […]

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