RC Macau Presidents 4th Weekly Update

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We had 13 Rotarians attend plus 4 guests, Andy’s little princess, David’s better half – Helen. Synthia’s niece Josi and Stella’s guest Joana Borges. Do you know who she is? The world is really small, her father is Francisco Borges a Past President of our club and was the President when our bus stop was […]

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RC Macau – 3rd Update

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Last week regular meeting with 12 members and one little guest ( Andy’s little girl). Yes a small group but good fellowship, as always. We haven’t seen PP David for some time and asked him to give us his update situation.  He is back for good. A sad news from RI – Rotary International  President-elect […]

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RC Macau – President 2nd Weekly Update

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15 of us joined IPP Sam, PPs Choi, Stella, Synthia, Maneiras, Fred, Ip, Kevin, Rtns Margaret, Andy, Ignacio, Li Ying, Aris, Marc and his rotarianne Peggie. Choi’s guest -Katherine, Ip’s guest – Thomas Dunseth, club executive secretary Kula and 4 members of Rotaract Club of Macau ( IPP Mathew and the Good Will Ambassador of […]

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Weekly Update ~ 1st 2017 – 2018

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Last Thursday was the first meeting of new Rotary year 2017-18. A big welcome to “Rotary: Making a diference” year. I am the 71st President of our club and it is a heavy responsibility to follow the good works of our PPs. Don’t need to go to far we have IPP Sam Ip and his […]

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Rotary 42nd Update

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Last meeting of this Rotary year – 29/6 How time flies! We are getting to the end of this Rotary year 2016/17 pretty soon. Coming Thursday, 29th June will be the last meeting for P Sam to preside and he will have to hand over the prestigious sash to Incoming P Fatima who will start […]

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Rotary – 41st Update

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Our meeting 8/6 at Macau Tower, Lua Azul Restaurant As Venetian was full again we had to relocate our meeting. Thanks to PP Synthia’s arrangement and PP Ip’s generosity in bringing different kinds of wine, I was told the meeting was just like a wine-tasting event. It was full of fun and laughter and everyone […]

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Rotary – 40th Update

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We had a low attendance of only 10 members last Thursday, 1/6 while we had 30 persons attend the meeting on 25/5, a week before last. It’s so difficult to handle our dinner meetings. Pres. Sam shared with us the District Conference he attended and our Club was recognized as “EREY and 100% Rotary Foundation […]

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Rotary – 39th Update

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Sorry for not having sent out any updates last week. I am making it up now. Meeting 18/5 – Speaker from YMCA We are trying to target some youth projects for the coming year, hence we invited staff from the YMCA to introduce us to projects that we may consider to support. They introduced us […]

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Rotary – 38th Update

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I missed the meeting last Thursday so cannot update much. However, from the photos attached, you can see how they enjoyed their fellowship. I understand that Rtn. Aris invited Rotaract Alumni Angela as her guest and PP Ip invited his 2 young lady wine lovers to the meeting. I do look forward to our 70-year-old […]

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Rotary – 37th Update

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70th Anniversary Ball May 6 We had an extremely successful Ball last Saturday with a record-high attendance of over 500 guests and members. We had DG Eric and 10 PDGs, CLO officers, government officials and 4 consul generals and consulate officers gracing our big event. We had 1 major sponsor, 4 diamond sponsors, 2 gold […]

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Rotary 36th Update / 70th Annual Ball Arrangements

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Last Meeting on 27/4 We had a full house last Thursday at the Manor, St. Regis. Ball tickets were distributed to those present. Many of us had the video done there. We look forward to the great production which will be played a the opening of the 70th Ball. NO Meeting next Thursday, 4/5 There […]

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Rotary – 35th Update

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Last Meeting We had Dr. Michael Best of the United Nations University – Computing and Society introduce us to the University but most of us did not know where and when the University was set up and why the UN would set it up in Macau. The talk was informative in interesting. Meeting today at […]

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