Rotary Updates ~ Last of 2016/7

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It’s been a great Rotary year 2015/16 under the leadership of Pres. Liz. Though she was still in Hanoi, she managed to open the last meeting of 15/16 on 30/6 after Incoming Pres. Sam gonged the bell. You have to watch the attached video to see how close we are to her heart.We had a […]

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Rotary 2016/17 – 1st update


Last Thursday was the first meeting of the new Rotary year 2016/17 and it was also the first time that President Sam put on his president sash. He’s the 70th president of our Club. It’s indeed heavy!The food that evening was much better than usual, not because Venetian wanted to celebrate Pres. Sam’s first meeting […]

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2015-16 President Last Weekly Update – Thank you and Obrigada

Just a few hours away, I will be handing over my 69th President sash to Incoming President Sam and my sincere apology for not doing this important solemn ritual in person and to chair the last meeting of this Rotary year tonight due to my overseas engagement. But as PP Stella said : ” Though […]

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President 45th Wkly Update-RI and District Awards

Award Presentation

Hello from Vietnam !Trust most of you had a real fun ‘ drink, drank, drunk’ charter night evening just then at Fat Siu Lou, judging from the smiley crazy photos shared by Incoming President Sam and PP Florence Facebook.. And what a great turnout of 45 rotarians, rotaractors, families, alumni and guests. Apology for my […]

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President’s Wkly Update ( Jun 2 Regular Club Meeting)

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Fellow RotariansThank you, thank you. We have 36 ( 26 members and 10 guests) in last night’s 44th Club Meeting cum ‘ All you can eat, all you can drink’ social night at Tromba Rija Portuguese Restaurant at Macau Tower.I can only say it was truly a fun , fulfilling, food and drink fellowship night […]

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43rd President Wkly Update (May 26)


  Welcome to the summer heat !May 26 Club MeetingLast week regular meeting was a normal one with 12 members and our regular guest Li Ying and PP Synthia’s guest Mr Pinto from TDM. Although a small group but we had much fellowship time and jokes from PP Choi, PP Keith and, of course, PP […]

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President’s 42nd Weekly update May 19 Meeting Speaker- Dr Kirby on 2016 Macao Eco-Trailhiker Event

Club Photo

We have 12 Rotarians and 6 guests joining our Thursday club meeting and it was an overjoy to see Kowie with us although we know he has been supporting ‘behind the scene ‘ all our Club’s activities with his Macao Daily Times. Thank you so much Kowie and we do wish to see you more […]

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President’s Weekly Update May 12 Speaker- Rotaract Adviser Elvo


Some of us attended the 56th District Conference at ChimeLong the last two days and had a good enjoyable time of fellowship, learning, exchanges and entertainment. During the Foundation Lunch, our club was presented with the EREY/100% Sustaining Members Club banner and an appreciation certificate for End Polio giving for IPP Kevin’s year 2014-15. Congratulations […]

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President Wkly Update ( 69th Anniversary Charity ball on May 7, 2016)

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I hope most of you have recovered from the ‘ Flower Power’ fever after a marvellous evening at our 69th-anniversary charity ball last Saturday.  So happy to see most dressing up in ‘ 60’s/70’s flower ‘ style and dancing with heat and beat to the fantastic music of the ‘ Blue Note ‘band amongst 400 […]

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President Weekly Update Apr 28, 2016 Speaker Rtn Yuko


Aren’t we all excited about the annual big event of our Club? Yes, we will be celebrating our 69th charter anniversary on May 7 ( Sat ) at the Venetian under a “Peace” theme – ‘ FLOWER POWER’ . So put on your colorful free and easy attire to join us singing ‘ San Francisco […]

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39th President Weekly Update

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Thanks to your support, we have 23 present on Thursday club meeting including visiting Rtn PP Chelsia To (RC Queensway) , Rotaract Club of Macau’s PE Matthew and Gary’s guest Li Ying.We did not have any speaker so was a great evening of fellowship, chit chat and laughter. RAC PE Matthew came to introduce their […]

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Great East Japan Earthquake ~ 5 years on

Kuninori Matsuda consul general

Consulate-General of Japan 47th Floor, One Exchange Square 8 Connaught Place, Central HK April 2016 Ms Elizabete Fong President of The Rotary Club of Macau 11th March 2016 marks the 5th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Even today we, along with our fellow Japanese citizens, still remember the outpouring of sympathy and the […]

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