Join us for the Rotary Blood Donation Day!

Blood Donation Day 2024 3

Join us for the Rotary Blood Donation Day! Are you seeking a meaningful way to make a difference in your community? Look no further! The Rotary Blood Donation Day is taking place this afternoon at Taipa’s Nova Mall, conveniently near Ikea. We invite you to come and join us for this important event. About the […]

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Promoting Peace Through Rotary

Peace HK 2024 03 25 at 22 35 51

Insights from the Rotarian Action Group for Peace in Hong Kong Last week, President Joao and PP Liz were honoured to attend the Rotarian Action Group for Peace event in Hong Kong. It was a truly inspiring experience, bringing together Rotarians, Presidents and PDGs who are dedicated to promoting peace and making a positive impact […]

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Promoting Peace and Understanding: Joint Presidents Meeting in Hong Kong

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Joint Presidents Meeting in Hong Kong Yesterday, (12th March 2024) at the Joint Presidents Meeting in Hong Kong, I had the honor of representing President Joao and our club. It was a momentous occasion as we received the Peacebuilder Club Recognition Banner from the Rotarian Action Group for Peace (HK). Recognition for Peacebuilding Efforts The […]

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2023 Annual Ball ~ Together We ..

On behalf of the Rotary Club of Macau, I would like to welcome you all to our Annual Charity Ball .. Lucky Draw Prizes # Lucky Draw Prizes Name of Sponsor 52 MOP300 meal voucher at Petisqueira Petisqueira 51 MOP300 meal voucher at Petisqueira Petisqueira 50 MOP300 meal voucher at Petisqueira Petisqueira 49 MOP300 meal […]

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RC Macau visits Makati North for their Anniversary Ball

Makati North 50th

Rotarians Elizabete Fong and PP Joao Pinto traveled to the Philippines to meet our Sister Club the Rotary Club of Makati North and join them for their 50th Anniversary Ball. Photo Album Slideshow

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Update on our Water Project in Cambodia

Water Pump Rotary Club of Macau in Angkor Thom

Our PP Joao Pinto was fortunate to be able to visit our Water Project recently and was pleased to report that our wells and toilet facility are in good condition and appreciated by the villagers. In 2022, the Rotary Club of Macau engaged with the Cambodian Community Dream Organization (CCDO) to support three sanitation projects […]

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Rotary Club of Macau visits Shenzhen – Carbon Neutrality Contest


Written by P Li Ying, RC of Macau

On April 1 and 2, the Rotary Club of Macau, together with 13 university students from Macao, completed the “Together We Go Eco: Shenzhen Study Tour” in Shenzhen. The event is one of the follow-up activities to the “Together We Go Eco: Our Carbon Neutral City Design Contest” organized by the Rotary Club of Macau and supported by Sands China and Green Future. The delegation visited the Shenzhen Maozhou River Comprehensive Ecological Restoration Project and the Qingping Ancient Market Renovation and Repair Project in Baoan District, Shenzhen, and the BYD headquarters in Pingshan District, Shenzhen.

The “Our Carbon Neutral City Design Contest” for Macao university students was held on March 25 at the Venetian Macao’s Adelson Advanced Education Center. It was aimed at raising awareness among Macao students on carbon neutrality, stimulating their creative thinking, and promoting sustainable development toward the vision of a carbon-neutral city. The Macao Polytechnic University team “No Surplus Food Gets Wasted” won the contest with their proposed mobile phone App targeting catering companies to deal with food waste in Macao. A University of Macau team called “Anchored Island” finished second with their dual-function solar battery/lighting system for commercial building surface that lights up at night. The third place is won by a Macau University of Science and Technology team called BTU. They proposed a green modularized roof garden project on Macao’s residential buildings that can facilitate nature courses for children. Two honorable mentions were given too, with one team proposing a carbon credit account for local residents and another team proposing a platform for pet owners to go green with locally sourced pet food and other pet products.

During “Our Carbon Neutral City Design Contest” held on March 25 at the Venetian Macao’s Adelson Advanced Education Center. Xiao Chenxi, the leader of team “No Surplus Food Gets Wasted” is presenting an App that they have designed for catering service providers in Macao to sustainably deal with surplus food on a daily basis.

During “Our Carbon Neutral City Design Contest” held on March 25 at the Venetian Macao’s Adelson Advanced Education Center, Rotary Club of Macau President Li Ying is one of the judges for the Contest.

Rotary Club of Macau and delegates are outside the Maozhou River Hydrology Education Exhibition Hall, in Baoan District, Shenzhen.

Rotary Club of Macau and delegates are at the Qingping Ancient Market in Baoan District, Shenzhen.

Rotary Club of Macau and delegates visit BYD Headquarters in Pingshan District, Shenzhen. Courtesy photo by BYD.

Rotary Club of Macau and delegates visit BYD Headquarters in Pingshan District, Shenzhen. Courtesy photo by BYD.

During the visit of BYD’s Headquarters in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, AG Elizabete Fong, President Li Ying, and fellow Rotarians are giving a test drive on an exclusive electric vehicle. Courtesy photo by BYD.

During the visit of BYD’s Headquarters in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, AG Elizabete Fong, President Li Ying, and fellow Rotarians are giving a test drive on an exclusive electric vehicle. Courtesy photo by BYD.

About Our Organization:

Rotary Club of Macau was established in 1947 and is the second eldest Club in District 3450. Our club maintains its multicultural vigor and comprises of professional and managerial members with a desire to serve the community.

For more information, please visit

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Blood Donation project Area 1

Blood Donation 2023

This year our Blood Donation drive has kicked off with an announcement at Montepio on April 6th. The Area 1 project is organized by RC Penha this year. Our club will take responsibility for press releases and media interviews. Since the Covid pandemic, we have used a different format from of old where we arranged […]

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Mural Art Project

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For the benefit of the handicapped children RC Macau is constructing an entertaining Mural to brighten their play area. Venue: Macau Child Development Association (MCDA) 南灣大馬路永利大廈地下E座及F座 Avenida da Praia Grande No.715, Weng Lei E-F/RC (next to Cafe Free Bakery) Special thanks to Aaron Brooks for the design and management of the project.    

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澳門,2023年4月6日 – 澳門扶輪社於4月1、2號兩天聯同十三名本澳大學生在深圳完成了“扶輪同心齊環保之深圳考察團”活動。該活動是繼澳門扶輪社主辦、金沙中國及綠色未來攜手支援的“扶輪同心齊環保:碳中和城市創意比賽”總決賽的後續活動之一。考察團一行走訪了深圳茅洲河生態修復綜合治理專案和客家民俗遺存清平古墟翻新修繕專案,並參觀了位於深圳坪山區的比亞迪總部,深入瞭解了深圳在污水河治理、舊城改造、新能源交通創新三個方面的努力。

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Finalists presentation on Environmental projects


At the Venetian Macau student groups gathered to judge of their projects for Together We Go Eco. Carbon Neutral City Design Competition Final Presentation and Closing Ceremony  (TDM): This is the final presentation of Rotary Club Macau’s Carbon Neutral City Design Contest, where three winners will be selected. The club’s president said she was astonished […]

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Public Image Seminar at the Macau Tower

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From Fake News to getting your message across, Rotarians from Macao and Hong Kong joined today for a seminar on  Public Image held at the Macau Tower and Convention Centre. Assistant Governor Elizabete Fong presents the People of Action Video and Photo awards and gives tips on what the District is looking for in our […]

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