Blood Donation project Area 1

Blood Donation 2023

This year our Blood Donation drive has kicked off with an announcement at Montepio on April 6th. The Area 1 project is organized by RC Penha this year. Our club will take responsibility for press releases and media interviews. Since the Covid pandemic, we have used a different format from of old where we arranged […]

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Mural Art Project

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For the benefit of the handicapped children RC Macau is constructing an entertaining Mural to brighten their play area. Venue: Macau Child Development Association (MCDA) 南灣大馬路永利大廈地下E座及F座 Avenida da Praia Grande No.715, Weng Lei E-F/RC (next to Cafe Free Bakery) Special thanks to Aaron Brooks for the design and management of the project.    

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澳門,2023年4月6日 – 澳門扶輪社於4月1、2號兩天聯同十三名本澳大學生在深圳完成了“扶輪同心齊環保之深圳考察團”活動。該活動是繼澳門扶輪社主辦、金沙中國及綠色未來攜手支援的“扶輪同心齊環保:碳中和城市創意比賽”總決賽的後續活動之一。考察團一行走訪了深圳茅洲河生態修復綜合治理專案和客家民俗遺存清平古墟翻新修繕專案,並參觀了位於深圳坪山區的比亞迪總部,深入瞭解了深圳在污水河治理、舊城改造、新能源交通創新三個方面的努力。

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Finalists presentation on Environmental projects


At the Venetian Macau student groups gathered to judge of their projects for Together We Go Eco. Carbon Neutral City Design Competition Final Presentation and Closing Ceremony  (TDM): This is the final presentation of Rotary Club Macau’s Carbon Neutral City Design Contest, where three winners will be selected. The club’s president said she was astonished […]

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Public Image Seminar at the Macau Tower

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From Fake News to getting your message across, Rotarians from Macao and Hong Kong joined today for a seminar on  Public Image held at the Macau Tower and Convention Centre. Assistant Governor Elizabete Fong presents the People of Action Video and Photo awards and gives tips on what the District is looking for in our […]

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Rotary Club of Macau Holds Contest To Increase Youth’s Awareness Of Environmental Protection


Dear Editors and Media Friends, For Immediate Release   Rotary Club of Macau Holds Contest To Increase Youth’s Awareness Of Environmental Protection   Macau, China – February 11, 2022: Organized by the Rotary Club of Macau, and supported by Sands China Ltd. and Green Future Macau, the opening ceremony of the “Together We Go Eco: […]

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澳門扶輪社舉辦比賽 提高本澳青少年對環保的重視


尊敬的媒體朋友及編輯: 新聞稿 – 請即時發佈   澳門扶輪社舉辦比賽 提高本澳青少年對環保的重視   中國,澳門 ─ 2023年2月11日 由澳門扶輪社主辦、金沙中國及綠色未來攜手支持的“扶輪同心齊環保:碳中和城市創意比賽”開幕禮於 2023 年 2 月 11日(星期六)假澳門威尼斯人艾德森高等教育中心舉行。這項比賽旨在提升本澳大學生對碳中和的認識,並鼓勵他們發揮創意,推動澳門成為碳中和城市的願景。 環境保護是扶輪社其中一個關注的重要領域。我們在日常生活中,隨時隨地都會產生或多或少的碳排放,不但會影響我們的生活環境,並會深遠改變著我們的未來。澳門扶輪社旨在通過本次活動把碳中和概念推廣給本澳大學生。參賽者需通過其對碳中和概念的理解,運用創意設計出針對社區應用的碳中和方案,從而推動澳門可持續發展及實現碳中和城市。截至最後報名日期2 月 9 日,共有27支隊伍共76 名本澳學生報名參加比賽。 開幕禮共有40餘名本地大學學生和澳門扶輪社社員參加。開幕禮上,綠色未來副會長陳俊明先生就“記住我們的足跡”作出主題演講;金沙中國可持續發展部副總監趙潔亦同場分享了“金沙環保360”全球可持續發展策略的工作成果,隨後,一眾出席開幕禮的人士亦參與了“金沙中國可持續發展之旅”,通過參觀金沙中國旗下物業的各種可持續發展的設施,了解本地企業的環保理念及實際應用。 參賽隊伍必須在 3 月 11 日之前提交他們的創意方案,並於 3 月 25 日假澳門威尼斯人艾德森高等教育中心進行報告展示;同日,經評審團評選後,在創造性、獨特性和實用性上表現最佳的方案將獲得奬項。       關於澳門扶輪社: 澳門扶輪社成立於 1947 年,是國際扶輪第3450 區中歷史第二悠久的扶輪社。我們的扶輪社保持多元文化的活力,由熱心服務社會的專業和管理人員組成。 欲知更多詳情,請瀏覽   圖片說明: 扶輪同心齊環保:碳中和城市創意比賽開幕禮   高像素圖片可於圖片庫下載:    

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Carbon Neutral City Design Contest


In support of a greener future for Macao, our community service project “Together We Go Eco” has put forward its second edition — “Our Carbon Neutral City Design Contest”. It aims to encourage college students to apply the concept of sustainability and propose sustainable solutions to improve the environment in Macao while responding to the […]

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Joy to the World Xmas Party 2022 – World Cup 普天同慶賀聖誕 共融同樂世界盃


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75th Anniversary Yearbook

75Yr Logo

Our Yearbook is now available online with the following Link   [RCM] And here [District 3450] The official release of the book will take place at our Joint Installation of the Rotary Club of Macau and our Rotaract, and Interact Clubs on 20th August 2022.  

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Guatemala – Agros Project with RC Sammamish

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Healthy Start
In the Ixil region of Guatemala, 75% of the children are chronically malnourished. Three of every four children go hungry every day.
After decades of civil war wreaking havoc on the area, its remote and mountainous region has been kept from basic needs like nutritious food and access to essential services like health care.
This area faces the serious issue of childhood hunger, which affects the health, growth, and brain development of most of the children in the region, detrimental to their future potential.
“My kids had low weight, so Agros helped me get a goat. People asked, ‘what are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m giving my kids goat milk!’ They were surprised because there are so many kids with low weight, but mine was suddenly gaining weight!”
– Caterina, Agros partner, El Paraíso, Guatemala
In the Ixil region of Guatemala, 3 out of 4 children go hungry every day.
Healthy Start is a multi-layer, proven solution working with families in remote, high-needs villages in the Ixil region of Guatemala. The program tackles the causes of chronic malnutrition and food insecurity, stopping the sources of illness and infection by focusing on nutrition, health care & education, and entrepreneurial opportunities for women.
Healthy Start targets families living in extreme poverty by focusing on women and children from pregnancy to five years of age. The first 1,000 days of a child’s life are the most critical to their development. We also know that supporting women invests not only in families, but in the communities where they live.
Inspired by the teachings of Jesus, Agros International breaks the cycle of poverty and creates paths to prosperity for farming families in rural Latin America.

Healthy Start – Program Overview
Reduce the incidence of chronic child malnutrition by improving the ability of the families to increase the quantity and the quality of their nutritional intake.
• Provide essential nutritional packages to families with children suffering from severe malnutrition.
• Create sustainable food sources through backyard gardens, chicken coops, and goat milk production
facilities to nourish children & families.
Prevent the incidence of chronic child malnutrition by increasing the access to prenatal & early childhood care with emphasis on the newborn’s first 1000 days of life.
• Train and equip a local network of volunteer community health promoters.
• Educate pregnant women and mothers about essential pre- and post-natal care.
• Build a community health center to create access to health professionals & essential health care. • Establish an early childhood stimulation center to provide a healthy environment for progress.
Improve household living conditions.
• Develop infrastructure in homes, stopping sources of illness & infection.
• Institute best practices for grain storage and food safety.
Overcome malnutrition with long-lasting solutions.
• Diversify household income through small business investment.
• Launch women-led Village Savings & Loans Associations to provide financial empowerment.
After launching the first layer of Healthy Start, there have been many wins, including being recognized by the Guatemalan government as a sustainable solution. But there is still more work to do.
This work is very time-consuming and takes a great deal of investment over an extended period. There are many more children and families going hungry in the surrounding areas. We strive to reach a broader geographic area to serve these families.
Agros continues to work with the families from the
To invest in children’s health, we must
inaugural program launch who received the first
begin by investing in women.
layer of services, while identifying opportunities to provide support to new families. All the families in the program receive support and build resiliency as we walk alongside them on the path to prosperity. As is
at the core of our mission, families must build a firm foundation to break the cycle of poverty.
We cannot achieve these goals without your support! Please join us in helping to break the cycle of poverty for families in Guatemala!
Agros International breaks the cycle of poverty and creates paths to prosperity for farming families in rural Latin America.

Healthy Start
Phase One Results – Prevent & Reduce Childhood Malnutrition Goal 1: Increase access to pre-natal & infant care
443 22 94% 0% 2
program beneficiaries
Community Health volunteers (brigadistas) engaged of babies born with healthy weight
Infant Mortality & 100% of Births in a Medical Facility
New buildings constructed: Health & Learning Centers
Goal 2: Support families’ nutritional intake
206 22% 610 136 53%
families involved in the program
reduction in chronic childhood malnutrition
emergency nutritional packages distributed backyard nutritional gardens diversified nutriotion of families implemented a balanced nutritional diet
Phase Two Goals – Improve Infrastructure & Overcome Malnutrition
Goal 3: Improve sustainable living conditions 100% of households with access to clean water
4 villages with community-led agribusiness models
50 macro-tunnels built to grow snow peas & other vegetables
100% of homes with improved floors, stoves, and structures
Goal 4: Implement long-lasting solutions
150 women involved in village savings & loan groups
100% of families to build wealth capacity
100 women starting their own businesses
5 community-led productive agriculture projects launched

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Macau Rotary Clubs send support to Hong Kong


TDM News reports on our Area 1 support for the people of Hong Kong during the latest wave of the Covid 19 pandemic. TDM News TDM新闻中文

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