Rotary Club of Macau Weekly update

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As you all know President Elvo is away enjoying his annual leave in the States. Therefore, Thursday’s meeting was chaired by PE Ip. We had a group of six Rotaractors and friends from the Rotaract Club of Macau who come to tell us about their experience in taking part in the 16th Good Will Ambassador […]

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Rotary Club of Macau Weekly Update (Week 4 – 2018/19)

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Greetings from Portland, Oregon! Yes, I’m on my 2-week vacation to the US, and I’m sending my love to you across the Pacific Ocean. On July 22, IPP Fatima and I attended the Graduation Ceremony of St. Paul School. Of course, Rtn Philip was there as well. It was a very touching ceremony. Student success […]

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Rotary Club of Macau Weekly Update (Week 2 & 3 – 2018/19)

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So much is going on at the beginning of the Rotary year. I’ve finally found some time to write my president’s updates, and I’m packing 2 weeks’ updates into this message. Hope you don’t mind and thank you for your understanding!  On July 12, we had our regular meeting, which we ran short for the […]

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RC Macau 2017~18 Last Weekly Update

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Time flies. It is my last weekly update to all as club President. It is the last meeting of 2017-18 – 28/6. For this meeting, we have 19 members, PPs. Synthia Chan, Fred Palmer, Teren Cheong, Guy Lesquoi, David Shelton-Smith, Ip Pui Fai, Stella Kan, PE Elvou Sou, Rtns. Phillip Lai, Margaret Bai, Ignacio Marcovecchio, […]

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Rotary Club of Macau Weekly Update (Week 1 – 2018/19)

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Thank you for entrusting me to serve as the president of the amazing Rotary Club of Macau in 2018-19. It’s with much anticipation as well as anxiety to chair the first meeting on Thurs, July 5. But thanks to everyone’s support, I managed and survived! Many people turned up, including our new President of the […]

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Rotary Update

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President Fatima departed for Toronto on 15th to attend the Rotary International Convention which is held on 23rd-27th June so I took up the chair of the meeting last Thursday, 21st. Though the meeting started with just 7 Rotarians, it was filled up to 17 at the end with: myself, PPs Maneiras, Ip, Choi, Fred, […]

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24th Presidents Update

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Dear Fellow Rotarians , It have been a long time I have not make any update. Too much work and a little laziness. From May/ 21 to 25 I join the District trip to Ning Xia for a water project. From Macau me and DAG Alicia Lio join the group, we start at 4:00 am. […]

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Rotary Update May 2018

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As Pres. Fatima was at Ningxia with the delegation led by DG HW for the District Water Project, I took up the Chair for the last meeting on 24/5.  We had a big delegation of 11 Rotarians and spouses from the Rotary Club of Tokyo Koraku of District 2580 from Japan, led by their President […]

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Rotary Meeting 19/4 – update

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You may wonder why this update is sent by me. Our President Fatima was away in Hangzhou so I was to preside the regular meeting last Thursday 19/4. Pres. Fatima, IPP Sam, Secretary Synthia and Treasurer Ricardo were all unable to join our last meeting, leaving only me and PE Elvo sitting at the head […]

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President 23rd Update

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The last meeting, Fev/2 was our last meeting of the year of Rooster. There were only 12 including PN Ip’s guest, Cherry, who was at Youth Exchange 4 years ago. She is studying in Taiwan Occupational Therapy and CNY holiday. Because she can not come to our Spring Dinner she was invited to come to […]

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President 22nd Update

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Hope you all are staying warm and protected from this cold weather. It is freezing. At our last regular meeting on Thursday 25th, we had 13 Rotarians, plus Choi’s guest, Katherine ( Stella’s daughter), 2 Alumni visitors, the kind couple Jim and KK, they are visiting Macau and came directly from the airport to join […]

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Presidents 21st Weekly Update

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Our regular meeting, Jan/18, had 21 Rotarians, plus Rotaract IPP Mathew (my guest), 4 IP guests and Kula made a total of 27 presences. We have chat and wine tasting from PP Ip at the swimming pool side. Our meeting was a short one because today we have our 2nd Club Assembly. We have a […]

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